Caricaturist and humorist illustrator, Jason Seiler, studied fine art illustration at the American Academy of Art in Chicago. Professionally, his first client was his grade school principal who recognized his talent after he’d gotten in trouble for drawing parodies of his history teacher. She hired Jason to do caricatures of some faculty members and the rest is history! Today, Jason’s client list includes such companies as MAD Magazine, GOLF Magazine, TIME, Universal Pictures, and New Line Cinema, among many others. Most recently, his image of Thom Yorke was one of only forty paintings selected by the Society of Illustrators to go on tour.
ason currently lives in the Chicago area with his lovely wife, Kat, and his two irresistibly beautiful daughters, Isabeau and Ava.
More images at http://www.unstage.com/2009/09/illustrations-by-jason-seiler/